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Whistler's 2010 Radar Detectors!

We have already talked a bit about the new RLC 250 from Whistler, but they also have several new radar detectors coming out this year. Whistler is the leader in budget, quality radar detectors and everyone here at Buy Radar Detectors is a big fan. Some of us use them in our personal vehicles, and we have literally a warehouse of radar detectors to pick from!

For 2010, there are a few new models and some that are an "upgraded" design over a previous model.

OK, here is a quick list of the new 2010 models:

  • Whistler XTR-145

  • Whistler XTR-265

  • Whistler XTR-335

  • Whistler XTR-420

  • Whistler XTR-440

  • Whistler XTR-555

  • Whistler PRO-68SE

And also the new RLC-250 (currently getting my vote for Best Car Gadget of 2010).

One thing that we are interested in, we consider the Whistler PRO 68 to be one of the best (if not the best) radar detector available for under $100. The new Whistler PRO-68SE might be a very interesting model.

We of course will continue to stock all of the existing models including the popular Whistler XTR-690 SE, Whistler PRO 78SE, and Whistler XTR-540 Radar Detector.

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