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February 26, 2010

Whistler's 2010 Radar Detectors!

We have already talked a bit about the new RLC 250 from Whistler, but they also have several new radar detectors coming out this year. Whistler is the leader in budget, quality radar detectors and everyone here at Buy Radar Detectors is a big fan. Some of us use them in our personal vehicles, and we have literally a warehouse of radar detectors to pick from!

For 2010, there are a few new models and some that are an "upgraded" design over a previous model.

OK, here is a quick list of the new 2010 models:

  • Whistler XTR-145

  • Whistler XTR-265

  • Whistler XTR-335

  • Whistler XTR-420

  • Whistler XTR-440

  • Whistler XTR-555

  • Whistler PRO-68SE

And also the new RLC-250 (currently getting my vote for Best Car Gadget of 2010).

One thing that we are interested in, we consider the Whistler PRO 68 to be one of the best (if not the best) radar detector available for under $100. The new Whistler PRO-68SE might be a very interesting model.

We of course will continue to stock all of the existing models including the popular Whistler XTR-690 SE, Whistler PRO 78SE, and Whistler XTR-540 Radar Detector.

February 12, 2010

Radar Detectors Stay Illegal in Virginia

The bill to repeal the ban on radar detectors failed to make it through the state's legislature. So for now the use of radar detectors in Virginia will continue to be illegal.

February 11, 2010

Escort has Changed the Solo S2 Radar Detector

The Escort Solo S2 Cordless Radar Detector is a favorite around here. While cordless radar detectors do not have the same performance of a "wired" model, the Solo 2 is still a very good radar detector. Also, it is perfect for motorcycles, and for those that need a detector that can easily be set-up and used with different vehicles.

Escort Solo S2 Radar Detectos

Escort has made some minor changes to the packaging of the Solo 2 model. On the left side of the picture is the old package, and on the right is the new one. The radar detector is staying the same, but it will now come with a soft case and an extra set of suction cups. The price is remaining the same at $339.95. Here at Buy Radar Detectors our opinion on soft cases is split. Many feel that it makes it easier to store, and is more rugged than the hard case. Others feel that the hard case provides better protection and is, well, nicer. We only have a few hard case models left, so if you want one, please call us at 1-800-584-1445 and specify that you want one.