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Radar and Two-Way 2006 Models

First of all, we hope all of you enjoyed your holiday season! All of us here at Cricket Ventures sure did! We had an overwhelming amount of interest in radar detectors and two way radios over the holidays.

It has been a while since we have had a chance to update our news section, and because of that we have lots of new products to list! has just added a brand new section for laser defense to the website. We have a whole line of laser jammers to choose from from all of the major brands such as Bel, Escort and Blinder!

Buy Radar Detectors isn't the only site that has been updated with new products... Buy Two Way Radios has also been loaded with new radio models for 2005-2006. All of our Midland and Cobra radios are brand new 2006 models, and lots of our Motorola's are 2006 models as well. Our radios are perfect for skiing, hunting and vacations, and with the new 2006 models you are going to get more output power and range than ever before!

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